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It deals with such matters as the benefits to be gained from having one's work disseminated in this way, factors that the researcher may wish to consider in determining a journal to target, matters of ethics and etiquette associated with publishing, the structure that may be employed within a paper and the criteria typically used by editors and reviewers when assessing submissions. A sequenced list of significant stages within the publication process and principles for good practice are also presented. The paper concludes with consideration of the qualities and skills that the published author may be expected to demonstrate and isolates instances in which they are applied. 最佳解答發問者自選 .. 回答者: 12682 ( 研究生 1 級 ) 回答時間: 2006-11-21 16:58:24 [ 檢舉 ] . In contrast to the considerable coverage of research methods and report writing, relatively little attention has been given in the professional literature to the steps that should be taken and issues which may be borne in mind by a researcher seeking to have his or her work published. 與研究方法及報告撰寫相當程度的範圍相比,對一個尋求要讓他或她的成果發表的研究者而言,專業文學中應該要做的步驟與要記住的議題則投注相對較小的注意力。 By addressing ten broad questions reflecting common concerns, this paper is designed to give a beginner guidance in his or her efforts to publish research in Library and Information Science journals. 藉由提出十個反映出一般注意事項的範圍廣泛的問題,這份論文用作為給予正力求他或她的研究發表在圖書館及資訊科學期刊的初學者指引。 It deals with such matters as the benefits to be gained from having one's work disseminated in this way, factors that the researcher may wish to consider in determining a journal to target, matters of ethics and etiquette associated with publishing, the structure that may be employed within a paper and the criteria typically used by editors and reviewers when assessing submissions. 它處理這一類的問題,如由使一個人的成果以此方式傳播而得到的益處、研究者希望考慮到的決定目標期刊的因素、與發行相關的禮節和倫理方面的問題、一份論文中會應用到的架構,及編輯者和評論者們當評估所遞交的文章時典型上會用到的標準。 A sequenced list of significant stages within the publication process and principles for good practice are also presented. 一個好的實務上發行過程和原則各重要階段順序的列表也被呈現出來。 The paper concludes with consideration of the qualities and skills that the published author may be expected to demonstrate and isolates instances in which they are applied. 這研究以發表過的作者可能期望要展示出的對品質和技巧的考慮做結,並隔離了他們應用到的例子。 相關詞: Library and Information Science journals,research methods,report writing,Library and Information Science,contrast,target,beginner,factors,skills,attention[ 快速連結 ] 其它回答( 1 ) | 意見( 0 ) | 評論( 0 ) .發問者評價 謝謝你 .發表你的評價 你的評價 發表評價: 正面 普通 負面 評價內容: 發表 取消 . 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 友善列印 .馬上按讚 加入 Yahoo! 奇摩 知識+ 粉絲團 •免費索取商英光碟+小書 •多益700分線上測驗題庫 •立即免費測試你的多益等級 •英文email超實用金句! •測你在旁人眼中的英文力? •多益700分線上測驗題庫 相關問答 .其他回答(1) 意見(0) 相關評論(0) . 001 回答者: 小莉 ( 初學者 5 級 ) 回答時間: 2006-11-21 16:48:16 [ 檢舉 ] ..In contrast to the considerable coverage of research methods and report writing, relatively little attention has been given in the professional literature to the steps that should be taken and issues which may be borne in mind by a researcher seeking to have his or her work published. By addressing ten broad questions reflecting common concerns, this paper is designed to give a beginner guidance in his or her efforts to publish research in Library and Information Science journals. It deals with such matters as the benefits to be gained from having one's work disseminated in this way, factors that the researcher may wish to consider in determining a journal to target, matters of ethics and etiquette associated with publishing, the structure that may be employed within a paper and the criteria typically used by editors and reviewers when assessing submissions. A sequenced list of significant stages within the publication process and principles for good practice are also presented. The paper concludes with consideration of the qualities and skills that the published author may be expected to demonstrate and isolates instances in which they are applied. 與研究方法的相當多報導和報告寫作相反,相對一點的注意已經被屈服專業的文學給應該被拿的步驟和可能在尋求出版他或她的工作的一個研究人員的心被承擔的議題。藉由向反映普通的關心的十個大範圍的疑問發表演說,這一張紙被設計提供他或者她的努力的初學者指導在圖書館和資訊科學日記出版研究。 它處理如利益的事件被得到從這樣散播一個工作, 研究人員可能想要在決定一本日記瞄準方面考慮的因素,與出版業,可能在典型地被編者和書評人使用的一張紙和標準裡面被雇用的結構有關的道德規範和禮儀的事件當估計服從的時候。 出版裡面的一本重要階段的被序列的目錄處理,而且原則對於好練習也被呈現。 報紙以品質和技術的考慮得出結論哪一被出版的作家可能被期望示範而且隔離他們被應用的例證。 1 目前沒有資料 發表意見發表意見字數已達上限,要改成發表評論嗎?. 發表 取消 . 目前沒有資料 我要評論 註冊 會員登入 .公告: 知識團員轉粉絲全數完成 . 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